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Welcome on my crowncaps homepage. I hope you like it. You find a lot of interesting stuff here. You can find my whole collection, now more than ~53.800 caps (September 2021) on this site. You also find series, little differences, new caps - sorted by year - for Belgium and the Netherlands, and more.

Also on this site a view of all my crown cap factory signs.

Best regards

Little differences

Many caps have little differences. See for instance the shadow the gnome, or the distance between "BELGIUM" and the gnome, or the fingers that are not drawed. On my site you can see here some examples of little differences.


Some random bottle caps from my collection

Most recent crowncaps database update

December/23/2024 19:30



If you require any further information, or if you want to trade with me, feel free to contact me. Here is the contactform.



Tell me your experience about this site and I appreciate it if you write something about it my guestbook. Here is the link to do that. Thank you very much.

Member of the CC.I # 59

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